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Keyword Tool for POP Traffic
Keyword Tool for POP Traffic
Selfie avatar
Written by Selfie
Updated over 4 years ago

Keywords serve as an important means to target an audience that’s most relevant to your offers. In comparison to RON targeting, running a Keywords targeted campaign allows you to buy better-targeted traffic, resulting in the optimal utilization of your campaign’s budget.

Our Keywords Tool allows you to explore the available keywords inventory and provides suggestions for keywords that contain the words you typed into the search box. This enables you to find new high-traffic volume keywords you may not have thought about, so you can get more accurately targeted traffic to your ads.

When using the ‘Keywords Tool,’ you need to type the word (or words) you want to use in the search box. In the ‘Available Keywords’ box below, you will be presented with keyword suggestions that contain the text you are typing. The first result is the typed word, and after it, you will receive suggestions ordered by traffic volume in descending order.

This is how it works: Start typing a word in the Keywords search line. Suggestions will start appearing in the box below. 

You can sort results alphabetically or by average CPV.
Add individual keywords by clicking on the Plus (‘+’) sign on the right side of the keyword’s line. Another option is to check the box of the keywords that you want to target, click ‘Actions’ and then ‘Add Selected.’ 

 By clicking ‘Add Top 100’ in the ‘Actions’ section, you will add to the ‘Active Keywords’ box the ‘100 Keywords’ that hold the most traffic.
By clicking on ‘Bulk Add,’ a text box will appear. Here you can type or paste keywords manually.

 After you click ‘Add Keywords,’ they will appear in the ‘Active Keywords’ box. 

 By clicking on the Actions section of the Active Keywords box you have two options:  

  1. Remove a selected keyword

  2. Copy the keywords you selected to your clipboard. You can then paste them onto a text editor and save them on your computer.

Happy keyword targeting!

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